Base path: /microblog/1.0

e.g.: {domain}/rest/microblog/1.0/space/{spacekey}

  • html
  • spaceKey

Creates a micro post with the given content (html) within the given space key.

  • offset
  • limit
  • plaintext

Returns all micro posts which are attached to the given space key.

  • offset
  • limit
  • plaintext

Returns all micro posts.

  • offset
  • limit
  • plaintext

Returns all micro posts with a newer modification date as the given post id.

  • offset
  • limit
  • plaintext
  • space

Returns all micro posts which are attached to the given space key and hashtag. Searches globally If no space key is given.

  • offset
  • limit
  • plaintext

Returns all micro posts which are attached to the given space key and created by username.


Creates a like or remove it for the given micro post id. If a like exists for the post it will be removed.


Deletes a micro post referenced by the given id.


Returns a single micro post referenced by the given id.


Returns the user names of users that liked the micro post referenced by the given id.

  • html
  • spaceKey

Creates a micro post with the given content (html) as a reply to the given parent post id. The post will be attached to the given space key.

Microblog REST API

Base path: /microblog/1.0

e.g.: {domain}/rest/microblog/1.0/space/{spacekey}

  • html
  • spaceKey

Creates a micro post with the given content (html) within the given space key.

  • offset
  • limit
  • plaintext

Returns all micro posts which are attached to the given space key.

  • offset
  • limit
  • plaintext

Returns all micro posts.

  • offset
  • limit
  • plaintext

Returns all micro posts with a newer modification date as the given post id.

  • offset
  • limit
  • plaintext
  • space

Returns all micro posts which are attached to the given space key and hashtag. Searches globally If no space key is given.

  • offset
  • limit
  • plaintext

Returns all micro posts which are attached to the given space key and created by username.


Creates a like or remove it for the given micro post id. If a like exists for the post it will be removed.


Deletes a micro post referenced by the given id.


Returns a single micro post referenced by the given id.


Returns the user names of users that liked the micro post referenced by the given id.

  • html
  • spaceKey

Creates a micro post with the given content (html) as a reply to the given parent post id. The post will be attached to the given space key.

Microblog REST API

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